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by PBworks16 years, 8 months ago
Welcome to the Ohio HISPC wiki Phase 2 Extension Program page!
HPIO is once again responsible for the Ohio initiative and will complete the projects by December 31, 2007. In addition to the local HISPC activities, HPIO is working with RTI on a national level to address the needs for privacy and security of electronic patient data.
Phase II of the HISPC initiative was awarded to HPIO in July 2007 for the purposes of implementing the recommendations made by the Ohio HISPC team in the April report.
Two specific projects have been approved by AHRQ, Model Consent and Role-Based Access/Authentication.
Model Consent/Permission for Health Information Release
Efforts to examine the multiplicity of legal requirements for Personal Health
Information (PHI) release and create a single model document that could be used
state-wide for this purpose.
Collaboration with neighboring states is sought as a way to promulgate a
wide-spread standard form for simplification and to make it easier for the
public to understand.
PHI Protection in Senate Bill 1693 introduced by Sen. Kennedy (MA)
Go to The Library of Congress THOMAS and search on S.1693 as a Bill Number
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