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1. User and entity authentication to verify that a person or entity seeking access to electronic personal health information is who they claim to be
2. Information authorization and access controls to allow access to only people or software programs that have been granted access rights to electronic personal health information
3. Patient and provider identification to match identities across multiple information systems and locate electronic personal health information across enterprises
4. Information transmission security or exchange protocols (encryption, etc.) for information that is being exchange over an electronic communications network
5. Information protections so that electronic personal health information cannot be improperly modified
6. Information audits that record and monitor the activity of health information systems
7. Administrative or physical security safeguards required to implement a comprehensive security platform for health IT
8. State law restrictions about information types and classes, and the solutions by which electronic personal health information can be viewed and exchanged
9. Information use and disclosure policies that arise as health care entities share clinical health information electronically
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