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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago

Welcome to the Ohio HISPC Phase 2 - Proposal & Budget page!



Bridge Extension (end of Phase 1)


  • $13K is only short term funding for all HISPC state teams to focus on drafting a specific, actionable implementation proposal with measurable outcomes.
  • Bridge funding will last until implementation proposal is accepted and funded; could be prior to July.
  • Formal statement of work was received on Thursday
  • The statement of work for the teams will be out end of next week at the soonest and the requested turnaround will be short to get this in place.


Six Month Extension (Phase 2)

* Implement a specific project in each HISPC state-you choose;

* must have been a part of your final implementation plan;

* must specifically address privacy and security solutions and reduce the variation in business practices, policies and laws that impede interoperability.

* Participate in Multi-state and Regional Collaboratives (i.e. subcommittees)

* Collaboratives will include non-HISPC states

Guidelines from RTI

* Guidelines are still in draft form

* Period of performance will be 7/1/2007 (perhaps earlier) through 12/31/2007

* Requirement that your proposed project is “complete” at that time does not necessarily mean fully implemented, but that measurable outcomes are realized

* Plans must reduce variation in practices, policies or laws related to privacy and security that have been identified as barriers to eHIE

Proposal to Include

* Specific activities and measurable results

* How the plan will further the project goal of private and secure exchange of electronic healthcare information

* Relevance to state; effect on laws, policies and procedures

* Relevance to other states – are results replicable elsewhere?





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